Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Well I am alive and very groggy.  The surgery went fine but it was a bit hairy for a while.  Apparently wires got crossed and the BLOCK nurse showed up at the same time the anesthesiologist did.  Someone had not told someone that I was not having a block and that just sent my heart racing.  A doctor came by and ordered a pill of some kind to calm me down.  It did nothing.  Then the nurse came in to start the I.V.

Eventually they rolled me away to a BLOCK room and at this point I was so terrified I couldn't even speak.  An orderly came in and rolled me down some halls and parked me in a long hall.  I could hear drills and high pitched noises everywhere.  I was not doing so well.  I could feel the tears rolling down my cheek.  I just wanted to go home.  

A nurse came by and takes one look at me and then rushes off.  A few minutes later they are rolling me back into the BLOCK room, I was too terrified to ask so I said nothing.  The same nurse came back over and took my hand.  She said I am very pale and I look terrified.  She explains that I will be put out and I am only back in this room until they are ready for me in surgery.  She tells me they are going to give me something else to relax and not to worry.  This time whatever they give me to relax worked as my heart had stopped racing either that or the fact that they were not going to stick a bunch of needles in my arm began sinking in.  In either case I had calmed down and I was good to  go.

As for me I have been sleeping for the most part.  I have set the alarm for every 4 hours as the hospital instructed to take my pills.  That way the pain does not overtake me.  I am only in a bit of pain so the pills are doing their job.  Here is what my hand looks like now.  They have wrapped  my hand and arm in gauze and a tensor.  There is a half cast on my arm and hand so it is immobile.  I see the doctor again on the 23rd.

That's all the one handed typing I can manage for now.  My fingers look like sausages and I have to sleep with my hand propped on two pillows.  So far so good.

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